October 2020
Normally at this time of year the shop committee would be making plans to arrange the Uley Community Shop AGM but like most things this year, it is not normal! As members will be aware we usually convene the meeting around mid-October in the Village Hall and provide an update on the shop’s performance and activities for the year end, vote on these matters that require members approval and then have a lively question and answer session.
The conundrum this year is that we are still legally required to have an AGM and do all the things described, but it is unlikely we will be able to meet, and even if we are allowed to meet it may not be to everyone’s liking in these Corona times.
So we intend to proceed as follows:
- a brief presentation covering the shop’s financial performance and activities for the year ending June 2020 will be made available on the shop website and a limited number of physical copies will be made available via the shop for any member who does not have internet access
- physical forms will be made available in the shop covering those matters members are required to tick vote “For” or “Against”
- There will be space on the forms for members to ask questions. A consolidated question and answer sheet will be made available in due course
The exact timings have yet to be worked out, but is likely to take place in November. Whilst not ideal this will ensure we meet legal obligations and hopefully keep members reasonably informed.
The AGM is not the forum in which we will address. the strategic future of the shop which remains firmly on the committees agenda and we will be in touch on this very important topic in due course
Paul Lawrence, Chairman